Welcome to the Shardz of Kontinua homepage

Current Version is 0.3.2022.10.1 (Alpha 3.0) released on May 1, 2023

Server Status
Server is Up!
Server Uptime: 11 weeks 4 days 10 hours 13 minutes 1 second
The active number of players is: 0
Key Commands

Key Commands

  • A summary of the various key commands is contained in this PDF. This is the most current information (up to date as of Shardz of Kontinua build version 0.11.24 dated 1-23-2020). The ingame "help" menu [F1] may not be correct.

  • Key Commands (PDF 67KB)
Download the Installer (Windows)

Windows Installer

  • To install for Windows:

    Download the Shardz of Kontinua Installer for Windows (10, 8, 7, XP). Once saved to your hard drive, run the Installer.

    The default install directory for the game is C:/pbnggames/Shardz of Kontinua/. The Installer will place the game client files in this directory and will add a shortcut to your start menu which can be used to launch the game. You can also launch the game by running the Shardz of Kontinua.exe executable file directly after the install is complete. In the future, a new version of the Launcher will be available to handle updating and launching the client.

    Click the Link below to download and save the Installer to your computer.

  • Shardz of Kontinua Installer (92.9 MB)
Download archive file (MacOS Linux)

Archived Install Packages (.zip .tar.gz)

  • These compressed packages can be used to install on MacOS and Linux PCs:

    THESE HAVE NOT BEEN UPDATED since version 3.2021.4.1 but should still work with the curent server setup. Download the Shardz of Kontinua Installer package for your OS. Once saved to your hard drive, unpack the file.

    Best practice is to create a directory named pbnggames/Shardz of Kontinua/ and place the unpacked files there. I have limeted experince with installing on these platorms so any feedback is appreciated.

    Click the link below to download and save archive package.

  • Shardz of Kontinua Zip Package for MacOS (70.0 MB)
  • Shardz of Kontinua tar Package for Linux (71.9 MB)
Download the Launcher


  • This method is NO LONGER supported and will be discontinued in the future. This installs the launcher which in turn is used to update and launch the old (Alpha 2.0) client and this has reached its end of life. The new client (Alpha 3.0)) is updated to using the latest Panda3D engine (version 1.10.9) which relies on Python 3.x. This older client is still using Python2.x which is no longer supported. It is highly reccomended that you uninstall this version if you are using it and install the Alpha 3.0 version. Your player data should NOT be wiped with this client upgrade. To install for Windows:

    Download the Shardz of Kontinua Game Launcher for Windows (10, 8, 7, XP) (Version 1.4 - 3.8 MB). Once saved to your hard drive, run the Launcher.

    When you run the Launcher for the first time it will create a directory named "pbngGames" in the root directory of the drive the Launcher is being run from. The Launcher will then install the game client files in this directory. We recommend moving the Launcher to this location once the client has been installed so that everything is in one place. A future version of the Launcher will be doing this automatically.

    Click the link below to download and save the Launcher to your computer.

  • SoK-Launcher.exe (3.8 MB)
Old Patch Notes

old Update Notes

The current version of Shardz of Kontinua Space client is 0.3.2021.4.1. These are the old notes from version 0.11.8 dated September 7, 2017 built with Panda3d-1.9.2-x64 Game Engine.

Updated 09/07/2017

New in Version 0.11.8

Game Launcher

  • NEW! For Windows users. You should now use the game launcher for updating and launching the game. Download the launcher (SoK-Launcher.exe). This will present an update button which will create a pbngGames folder and then install the latest client version there. When updated clients become available the launcher will detect this and update you client version. You no longer need to manually do this.


  • NEW! When you log in you will find a new target on the list of targetable objects called "NPC Ship". This will spawn in a random location and if you approach it will run away from you. This ship can be targeted and fired upon and can be destroyed as well. Once destroted, a new NPC Ship will spawn in a random location. Only one spwans at a time and each player client has their own NPC "instanced" like the asteroids.
  • Generous use of auto pilot and auto aiming will help you land more of your shots. Try to match speeds with your opponent and then go a little faster. Trying to approach too fast and you just have a series of high speed passes. Approach too slow and your enemy will out manuever you (using panda built in AI for evading a pursuing target).

    Happy Hunting!

New Models

  • Updated the Space Station Model. This one looks very different from the other and it creates some issues with Glow maps So I had to alter how the main star looks as well. I would love to hear your feed back on which models you like better.

UI changes.

  • Undid the target reticle changes. They looked terrible.
  • Added 2 buttons to the target info window to improve mouse control. [Clear] will clear your current target and close open ui windows same as the [esc] key. [Next] will iterate through all currently available auto target objects the same as using the [tab] key.
  • The context menu (right mouse click) for the station now has "buy" "sell" and "other" buttons. [Other] does nothing but closes the window. [Sell] will show the "sell Inventory" button, same as before. Pressing [Buy] will bring up 2 buttons, one to buy fuel and one to buy an "emergency refuel" consumable token. These windows\buttons can be closed by using the [esc] key.
  • As a reminder, most UI elements can be moved by clicking and then dragging them with the middle mouse button.

Other Misc Changes

  • Movement of other's player ships should appear more smooth.
  • When discovering a rare item for the first time you should now hear an "angelic choir" sound. Items you have discovered will go down on your permanent record so don't get too distressed when you don't get the message again after you have sold off your inventory.
  • Added a consumable item, "Emergency Refuel". Once purchased it will appear in your inventory. Press [ctrl]+[x] keys to "use" it (if you have one). You can only have one in your inventory at a time and if you sell your inventory it will remain behind as it can not be sold.

Updated 05/31/2017

New in Version 0.11.4

Auto Pilot

  • NEW! This is a new feature. It needs some work and will form the basis of mouse movement as well. When you have an object targeted and press the [F4] key the auto pilot will be engaged and your ship will proceed to point in the direction of your target and then disengage. Auto pilot does not control or affect the throttle.

UI changes.

  • Added a second, dark color to the target marker making it more visible against bright background objects...like the system's primary star.
  • Added 2 buttons to the target info window to improve mouse control. [Clear] will clear your current target and close open ui windows same as the [esc] key. [Next] will iterate through all currently available auto target objects the same as using the [tab] key.
  • The context menu (right mouse click) for the station now has "buy" "sell" and "other" buttons. [Other] does nothing but closes the window. [Sell] will show the "sell Inventory" button, same as before. Pressing [Buy] will bring up 2 buttons, one to buy fuel and one to buy an "emergency refuel" consumable token. These windows\buttons can be closed by using the [esc] key.
  • As a reminder, most UI elements can be moved by clicking and then dragging them with the middle mouse button.

Other Misc Changes

  • Movement of other's player ships should appear more smooth.
  • When discovering a rare item for the first time you should now hear an "angelic choir" sound. Items you have discovered will go down on your permanent record so don't get too distressed when you don't get the message again after you have sold off your inventory.
  • Added a consumable item, "Emergency Refuel". Once purchased it will appear in your inventory. Press [ctrl]+[x] keys to "use" it (if you have one). You can only have one in your inventory at a time and if you sell your inventory it will remain behind as it can not be sold.

This version of Shardz of Kontinua Space client was 0.11.2 dated May 14, 2017 built with Panda3d-1.9.2-x64 Game Engine

Updated 05/14/2017

New in Version 0.11.2

The Following updates have been applied...

  • The color customization has been updated so that when you log in you will see a blue stripe on your ship while other players have a green stripe. You should no longer change color to green when a new player logs in.
  • Fullscreen toggle mode should now be working as inended. Use alt-f10 to toggle between windowed or fullscreen mode.
  • Laser bolts have been updated so that they no longer reflect sunlight as though they were shiney objects.
  • Player data is no longer stored locally but rather is loaded from and stored to the remote game server. All characters have been wiped.

Other Misc Changes

  • For those using Windows as their OS you can now download and run the client file as a standalone executable without having to first run an installer.

The current version of Shardz of Kontinua Space client is 0.10.29 dated May 02, 2017 built with Panda3d-1.9.2-x64 Game Engine

Updated 05/02/31/2017

New in Version 0.10.29

Auto Aim returns

  • Firing your weapon while you have a target will cause your laser fire to be aimed at that target. If you wish to fire manually just use the [esc] key to clear your target and then you laser will fire straight ahead as before.

UI changes.

  • Added a throttle sloder and reset button. This will make handling acceleration/deceleration much easier.
  • Acceleration is capped at + or - 100
  • Brakes have been reactivated and will not be able to be used if your speed is greater than 100.
  • A new image has been adde to the installer to customize it's appearance.
  • As a reminder, most UI elements can be moved by clicking and then dragging them with the middle mouse button.
  • Currently, the game opens in a 1280x768 window. You can use the maximize icon on the frame to go full size but remain in a frame (reccomended method). You can try to use the full screen mode [alt]+[f10] but your results will vary depending on your monitor settings.

Other Misc Changes

  • Laser fire has been slowed down a bit. Delay is now .8 seconds between shots.
  • Your ship will be immune to weapon fire by default to help with griefing. You can toggle this with the [ctrl]+[i] command.
  • Added a sound effect when selling goods at the station.
  • added a new star system but but is has no planets or anything else yet. If you travel there you may not see it at first as the clipping plane is set to 500 MKm. Toggle the clipping plane [ctrl + c] out to 1 millin MKm to see it or get close.

To the right are the links to the various files.

Updated 3/31/2017

New in Version 0.10.27 Most of the changes are functional in nature with no signifigant changes to game play.

UI changes.

  • The default 3rd person camera view has been changed so that the players ship appears lower on screen.
  • In first person view the camera and clipping plane are adjusted so that the player will see the front end of their ship without the clipping plane exposing the interior.
  • The hotbar, which was behaving like an inventory window, has been banished and will return when it learns to behave.
  • I have added an inventory window which can be toggled by pressing [i]. It is hidden by default. This will also list your current credits in the chat window.
  • As a reminder, most UI elements can be moved by clicking and then dragging them with the middle mouse button.
  • Currently, the game opens in a 640x480 window. You can use the maximize icon on the frame to go full size but remain in a frame (reccomended method). You can try to use the full screen mode [alt]+[f10] but your results will vary depending on your monitor settings.

Chat Changes

  • You can now activate the chat by pressing [enter]. With the chat cursor active, pressing [enter] will send the chat.
  • You can now exit out of the active chat window by right clicking on the screen outside the chat window. This will clear your chat and return helm control to you.
  • A number of messages previously displayed in chat are now disabled or displayed less frequently so as to reduce chat spam.
  • Screenshots [f12] should be working now. Default location is your panda3d folder c:\users\[yourname]\appdata\local\panda3d\start\
  • The login screen should properly save your user and password for your next session.

Atmosphere Changes

  • To eliminate the issue of z-fighting, atmospheres of planets will not be visible unlesss you have them targeted and you are within 25 Million KM of them.
  • Fuel Skimming is now working as inteneded. Atmospheres will no longer act as a barrier and you can fly into them. When you do this at a Gas Giant, you will begin to skim fuel. You will continue to skim fuel as long as you remain in the atmosphere and will stop refueling when you exit the atmosphere or your tanks become full
  • If you get too close you can hit the planet surface. Although disabled at present, this will eventually cause severe damage.

Other Misc Changes

  • Your lasers have a greatly increased rate of fire.
  • Your ship will have a blue stripe. When another player logs in this will change to greeen. This is not working as intended rather this is supposed to give each player a unique color Idendifier. I am wokring on this.
  • Key Commands pdf has been updated and is current for version 0.10.27. (On the right ->)

Updated 12/30/2016

New in Version 0.10.22

Player vs Player Combat enabled.

  • Firing upon another player will do damage if your laser "bullet" hits.
  • As part of this system, your health is now displayed as part of your "floating" name and it is turned on be default.
  • Players will now regenerate health, 1 point every 5 seconds.
  • At the present time, you can not see the health of other players.
  • If another player is struck by enemy fire, including any from you, you will receive a message.
  • When another player fires you will see a message.
  • When another player joins or exits you will receive a copy of your updated player list. You can also do this,manually by using [shift]+[p]. (like a "/who all" command)
  • Fuel skimming has been updated to work more like intended so that your ship will comtinue to skim fuel as long as you remain pressed against the atmosphere.

Updated 12/09/2016

New in Version 0.10.19

  • Previously, closing the client before completing login would overwrite your saved information effectively causing a character wipe. This has been fixed.
  • Screenshots are not saving when running either of the installer versions of the client but are working when using the P3D file version.
  • Players now exist in the same space and you can see ( and shoot at) one another. Currently no player to player collision detection occurs.
  • When a player logs in they will be added to the "Auto Target" list and can be targeted in this way but not by mouse "picking"
  • Use alt + F10 to togg between windowed and fullscreeen mode. Screen resolution is currently fixed at 1280 x 768.
  • Most GUI elements can now be dragged around on your screen. Use the Middle Mouse button to grab and drag.
  • Login data is now saved on your client via a cookie. When you launch the game it will display the last used login and password combo, or the default values if no login information is used.
  • laser fire cooldown time has been reduced to 1 sec instead of 2

Updated 11/27/2016

New in Version 0.10.15 A number of improvements and changes were made in this version.

  • Several Key commands have changed. Review the keyboard command list ( link on the right ) to see them all. For consistency, ctrl commands will handle toggle primarily.
  • Holding down the [+] or [-] keys will comtinue to increase or decrease your acceleration. No need to keep hitting the key like before.
  • The [r] key no longer resets the ship position. This has been re mapped to [ctrl-r] instead.
  • The [t] key no longer opens chat. Instead use [/] or [shift-enter] instead. You can also mouse LMB click on the chat input to activate it.
  • Added Volumetric (aka Lens flare or "God light") lighting toggled on/off with [ctrl-v] default is off. Both this filter and the Glow(bloom) filter will impact FPS but the Glow filter will have the greater impact on performance. Toggling either filter now gives a message.
  • Adjusting the Far clipping plane [ctrl-c] now creates a message indicating the current setting.
  • The camera now toggles between 3 views. First Person view shows the nose of the ship and is a fixed view. Third Person view is also fixed and is the same as before and is also the default view. Free camera view will start in the third person view but you can freely move the camera about. Hold down RMB and move the mouse to zoom in and out. Hold the MMB and move to change the camera angle ( your ship should stay centered in the view ).
  • The aiming pip has been changed to one that does not cover up the center spot. This made it difficult to see what was under the cross hairs and also the explosions from the laser fire.
  • Mouse click functionality has changed slightly. Use LMB click to target objects (this has not changed) but now use RMB click to bring up a contextual menu or informational window for that object. Right clicking an object will not make that object your target. Currently, the only object with such a contextual menu the space station and the "sell ore" button but more will be added soon.
  • Using the [esc] key will still unselect your current target (if you have one set) but will now also dismiss any open contextual menus. You can now choose NOT to sell your ore to the station and get rid of that pesky "sell ore" button.
  • Screen shots should once again be working. The format for naming them has also changed so that their name now reflects the current client version that made them. On windows, screen shots are saved to C:\Users\yourUserName\AppData\Local\Panda3D\start\
  • Previously when the players location was being saved at log out the heading was not being saved only the position point. This has been fixed.
  • Previously fuel status was not being saved at log out and so each time a player logged in their fuel tanks were automatically refilled. This is no longer the case.
  • The only way (currently) to refuel your ship is to skim the atmosphere of one of the 2 gas giants. Don't try this on the main world though.... or maybe you should :).
  • If you try to login with invalid user pass combo, you should be presented with a message telling you this but presently you just get "3". This was missed in this update but it is a known issue.
  • Improved collision detection for the space station. Previously there was a simple sphere being used but no your laser shots as well as your ship should only collide with the actual structure. Try flying between the antenna at the top of the station.

Updated 11/20/2016

The Server is up! When you launch the game it will now attempt to connect to the game server. Each player launches in their own instance of the solar system. The solar system is in motion with planets revolving around the star as well as rotating on their axis. You can sell ore you gather from mining (shooting) asteroids at the space station. You can skim the gas giants for fuel but running into other objects will cause you damage. The F1 help screen is correct but there are other key shortcuts that will be posted here shortly. If you do not want to create an account you can login with the generic profile that is preloaded at launch user:Anon ,pass:password. Any constructive feedback is welcome.

New in Version 0.10.14 Made some updates to the Glow Filter to improve frame rate when it is enabled (Control-G). Added a stand alone windows installer as a self contained executable. Download and install the game like you would any other windows program. Only tested on Windows 10 but should work on Vista,7, and 8 as well.

Old update notes

Updated 11/17/2016

When you launch the game it will now attempt to connect to the game server. Each player launches in their own instance of the solar system. The solar system is in motion with planets revolving around the star as well as rotating on their axis. You can sell ore you gather from mining (shooting) asteroids at the space station. You can skim the gas giants for fuel but running into other objects will cause you damage. The F1 help screen is correct but there are other key shortcuts that will be posted here shortly. If you do not want to create an account you can login with the generic profile that is preloaded at launch user:Anon ,pass:password. Any constructive feedback is welcome.

Updated 8/17/2016

The game can no longer be launched in your browser instead download the game and launch it from your desktop. You will need the Panda3D game engine installed. If you have already done this you should not need to do so again

Updated 6/16/2016

Version 0.10.3 launched!

NEW Use the Tab key to cycle through a list of automatically targetable objects. Asteroids and your own ship can not be targeted this way.

Latest News
newShardz of Kontinua Alpha 3.0 Launched! client 0.3.2021.4.1 released on April 26,2021
***Become a Support on our Patreon page.
newTapit! Current Release Version 2.2021.6.1 released on 6/7/2021
***Shardz of Kontinua Server updated to version 2.19.15 4-2-2021